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On my trip to Puerto Rico, the one thing I learned is that limits are a mindset. My daughter for my Bday scheduled an excursion hike into El Yunque National Rain Forest.

One of my biggest challenges is my weight, something I have started working on this year. So clearly I was worried about what kind of physical condition I would need to be in to participate, to the point of calling our guides the night before.

By the time we reached the location the next day I had already talked myself out of it, but after realizing the opportunity I decided I was going to go and give it my best attempt.

The hike itself was not easy, we walked through rough terrain and really slippery mud trails, and yes I busted my ass midway. Tbh I was physically exhausted and wanted to stop, but my tour guides @tarzandeleste and @ilv93 pushed me to continue to move forward to at least get to the next level of the journey. Through a lot of support from my daughter @thebrifernandez and a group of friends such as @rico_chavez_3, I made it to level A.

Tired, bruised, and quite dirty I was rewarded by what I could describe as breathtaking. As I stayed at level A the rest of the group moved on to B and C. I decided to play it smart and stay at level A. I was satisfied with what I had accomplished. As the group came back everyone was having a blast on the rope swing and the cliff jumping. I got so upset at myself that I decided to push myself even harder, I powered my upper body with all I had to climb a steep rock wall to reach the area that has the swing rope. I asked my guides “Hey can that branch hold me?” His answer was “question is can you hold yourself?”

I will be back this November and will go with the same guides, and I will make sure to this time reach level C.

We may not reach the top on our first attempt. But you would be surprised how amazing a small step can make a difference in your life. Que tenga buen día!🔥


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Rafael Fernandez Jr

Author Rafael Fernandez Jr

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